Saturday, March 1, 2008

My Movie Challenge

1. Pick 20 of your favorite movies.
2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie.
5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDb search or other search functions.

Movie 1 (I, Robot - Tory): - Hint: Robots
Character 1: You must be the dumbest, smart person in the world.
Character 2: And you must be the dumbest, dumb person in the world.

Movie 2 (Meet the Robinsons - Mom): - Hint: Family
Receptionist: [gives a suspicious look] You're the two o' clock?
Bowler Hat Guy: Um, yes, yes I am!
Receptionist: You're Mary Johnson?
Bowler Hat Guy: Um... yesssss, Mary's short for um...
Receptionist: Marion?
Bowler Hat Guy: Um, [quietly]
Bowler Hat Guy: can that be a boy's name?
Receptionist: [sighs] Yes.
Bowler Hat Guy: Then yes.
Receptionist: Have a seat.
Bowler Hat Guy: Oh, goody!

Movie 3: - Hint: Comedy
Character 1: Look at that, you can see the four states that border Location 1: Location 2, Location 3, Location 4, and Location 5!
Character 1: Oh yeah.

Movie 4: - Hint: Virus
Character: What the hell are you doing out here, Fred? Fred, if you're real, you better tell me right now!

Movie 5 (Apocalypto - Dad): - Hint: Ancient times
[Blunted is given the potion to rub on himself]
Blunted: If this works... she won't bother me.
Flint Sky: Your wife?
Blunted: No, her mother. The old hag wants grandchildren.

Movie 6 (V for Vendetta - Dad): - Hint: Revolution
Evey: Are you like a... crazy person?
V: I'm quite sure they will say so.

Movie 7: - Hint: Aliens - This quote is a joke in the movie that Character 2 doesn't understand.
Character 1: It's just like the 4th of July.
Character 2: No, it's not.

Movie 8 (Mr. Woodcock - Tory): - Hint: Teacher
Maggie Hoffman: This is Oprah! She farts on a
book and it magically sells a million copies.

Movie 9 (Cloverfield - Gwen): - Hint: Monster
Clark: How are you going to survive without Rob? He's like your main dude.
Hud (Cameraman): I don't know.
[sees Rob passing by]
Hud: Hey Rob, how am I gonna survive without you?
Rob: I don't know. I'm like your main dude.

Movie 10 (Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Tory): - Hint: Comedy
Character: I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

Movie 11 (The Benchwarmers - Tory): - Hint: Baseball
Character 1: For years I thought the sun was a monster. But I am here to tell you that it's not a monster! IT'S NOT A MONSTER! [cries]

Movie 12 (The Patriot - Dad): - Hint: Revolution
Aunt Charlotte: You have done nothing for which you should be ashamed.
Benjamin Martin: I have done nothing. And for that I am ashamed.

Movie 13: - Hint: Parody
[water drips from the TV set]
Character 1: Character 2, the TV's leaking.

Movie 14: - Hint: Invasion
The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, they said.
The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, but still, they coooome.
Yes the chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, they said.
The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, but still, they coooome.

Movie 15 (Pearl Harbor - Mom): - Hint: Bombing
Rafe: Danny, you can't die. You can't die. You know why? 'Cause you're gonna be a father. You're gonna be a daddy. I wasn't supposed to tell you. You're gonna be a father.
Danny: No, you are.

Movie 16: - Hint: CGI
[empties Character 1]
Character 2: Oooh, money, money, money.

Movie 17: - Hint: War
Character 1: Well, sir, seems to me, God gave me a special gift, fashioned in me a fine instrument of warfare.

Movie 18: - Hint: Virus
Character 1: Telephone call? Telephone call? That's communication with the outside world. Doctor's *discretion*. Nuh-uh. Look, hey - all of these nuts could just make phone calls, they could spread insanity, oozing through telephone cables, oozing into the ears of all these poor sane people, infecting them. Wackos everywhere, plague of madness.

Movie 19 (Tarzan - Tory): - Hint: Animals
Character 1: Yeah? Why doesn't he get his new friends to help him? I don't care.
Character 2: That's it! I've had it with you and your emotional constipation! Character 3 needs us, and we're gonna help him! You got that?

Movie 20: - Hint: Teacher
[Character 1 and Character 2 are discussing the possibility of sending Character 3 to a special school]
Character 1: The doctor said that gestures meant...
Character 2: It's way more than gestures.
Character 1: That gestures meant that Character 3 would never learn how to lip read or to talk!


Cathleen said...

#2 Meet the Robinsons

*And you forgot to post the Rules-just cut and paste from Tory's*

Cathleen said...

#15 Pearl Harbor

Gwen said...

#9 Cloverfield

Tory said...

#8 Mr. Woodcock<3

Christopher said...


Stop guessing them right :O

Cathleen said...

There a few that seem familiar, but most don't. You may have to add some clues.

Happy The Man said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Happy The Man said...

#12 The Patriot?

Christopher said...

Only guess 1 an hour :O

Christopher said...

I hope you're happy! I added hints for all them >:|

Happy The Man said...

Oops, I didn't read the instructions. You should delete my comments if I broke the rules. Just leave the #12.

Happy The Man said...

I wouldn't have gotten #6 but we just watched it together so it was fresh on the mind. The description for #5 gave it away.

Christopher said...

Too late, I already updated them :P

Theresa said...

Is #19 Madagascar?

Christopher said...

Nope, none are Madagascar.

charlithebold said...

Hey Christopher...I am Charli...Tory's friend..
#7 is Independence Day

Christopher said...

Incorrect. The person in the movie is saying "This is just like the 4th of July" because of how similar the events in the movie were to Independence Day. Close :)

Tory said...

#1 - I, Robot

Tory said...

#10 - Monty Python and the Holy Grail
#11 - The Benchwarmers
#19 - Tarzan

RDCS said...


Awesome movie, by the way

RDCS said...

#17: Patton?